"I was surprised that as many as one in five of you backed Israel, and only one in seven opposed all arms funding." Quoting you. Why are you surprised? Do you not like Jews or what other reason do you have for wishing to see even lower support for Israel? Shame on you.

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I read that article about Roy Jenkins in the Guardian and it was ludicrously one sided. Yes Jenkins was a great reforming Home Secretary but the article's claim that he did it all virtually single handed is just plain wrong.

For example,capital punishment. There had been a growing movement throughout the fifties for its abolition within Labour. The Bill for its abolition was piloted through parliament by Sidney Silverman not Roy Jenkins.

The decriminalisation of homosexuality was advocated in the Wolfenden report in the fifties which Labour wanted implemented but the Tory government was too cowardly to implement so was not a new policy.

The abortion law reform was brought forward by David Steele in a private member's Bill and only became law because Harold Wilson,not Jenkins, guaranteed it the time to get through parliament.

In short it was a collective effort by a brave government and its MPs. Would that such bravery existed today or even 10% of it.

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Always a collection of absorbing items

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It feels sort of anxiogenic and weird being one in only seven against all arms funding…

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Wonderful stuff, as usual! Many thanks. A few niggles:

1. "sub-editors, fact-checkers – surely matter even more in an age of disinformation"? What is disinformation, please, and can you provide one clear example?

2. "the off-putting machinations of Russell Brand who joined RFK Jr.. This unholy alliance throws RFK Jr.’s questionable judgement into greater doubt." Did Russell's criticism of genocide put you off?

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