Give the guy a break. He has raised this lot from the ashes of Corbyn, Abbott and co. which was a huge task of itself. No doubt that the looney left will try to get back and ride on the success so far and the same old frictions and in fighting will offer the prize on a plate back to the tories. What goes around comes around.

Des Grimble

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All four of them are admirable and I look forward to them being ministers in the Labour administration. Rachel has been a constant inspiration on the economic front for years. I was 26 when Harold Wilson won in 1964 and it seems a lifetime ago. I look forward to a successful Labour government and hope it manages to resolve the many issues facing it, especially the cost of living, housing, NHS waiting lists, immigration and processing of asylum applications, etc, etc.

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Angela Rayner gives me some hope for a more adventurous approach from the coming Labour Government

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Faiza Shaheen et al are obsessed by Israel. We all know they share Corbyn’s (Che Guevara’s reincarnation) WORLD VIEW. These people should be protesting from the SWP. They are responsible for making Labour the party of protest and agitation rather than appealing to aspirational and patriotic voters. That’s why Labour has only been in power for 33 out of the last 104 years.

Douglas Alexander should be foreign secretary.

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Too many people on here who should be in the SWP. Corbynistas: Please note!

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Rachel represents aspirational Britain, and has clear plans for growing the economy and a radical restructuring of the taxation system to reward hard working people and at the same time acting as a catalyst to grow a new UK economy based on exploiting the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

She looks, sounds and is a professional woman.

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Does the NS actually want a Labour government? Policies are nothing without power. A lesson the left does not want to learn - self indulgent posturing does not improve lives or reduce poverty.

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I am impressed by all of them--the contrast with the Tory rabble of incompetents, racists, and youth-haters is painfully acute. Sir Keir is the leader who has got us where we are and deserves support.

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As below, give the man a chance. He’s the best in years, possible exception David Miliband. All four are commendable and worthy of support. Do we want to be in government or don’t we?

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Perfidious Albion they have replaced the socialist rose with the butchers apron 🆘💵❤️

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Charismatic and principled -what's not to like?

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Apart from maybe Rayner, they are all establishment stooges protecting the status quo.

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All of the cabinet team are good and bring diversity to the leadership which is why they are effective. Shame the usual suspects on the left aren't focusing on removing the Tories rather than distracting the media for the benefit of their own egos - again.

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All extremely fortunate that the Tories have been so incompetent over the last five years otherwise none of them would be within a sniff of Government. Fact.

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If you had included Andy Burnham on the list, I would have given him my vote, rather than none of the above. And for anyone who hasn't already seen this, it's essential viewing for those in, near, or formerly in the Labour party. You don't need to have been a fan of Corbyn to find this shocking and scary stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elp18OvnNV0

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Starmer's treatment of Faiza is completely disgraceful. You cannot run a party like this. She nearly ousted IDS in 2019. So pleased I don't have to vote Labour to get rid of (hopefully) a completely useless Tory.

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There’s already another Faiza in parliament: the honourable member for Gaza Central: Zara Sultana. An unreconstructed SWP World View: No granularity to her fixed polar world view; no nuanced perspective on foreign policy questions; anti NATO; hostile to EU; undermining of Israel as a nation state; ambiguous about militant Islam; pro Iranian regime; ambiguous about state capitalism and political freedom in China; silent about Chinese expansionism in South China Sea, Taiwan, Tibet; Venezuelan collapsed economy; Cuban poverty etc. The Green party or SWP are political black holes of largely middle class graduates and sentimentalalists with a Corbyn/ authoritarian mindset. The right is similarly afflicted but buy populism. Labour must stick to Growth, Growth Growth and Keir’s avowed agenda of “governing in the interests of working people”.

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