I read Howard Jacobson’s piece and I disagree with his assertion that art eludes the mind of an activist. Many of the greatest artists in history have used their art as a form of activism. From musicians such as Nina Simone to writers like George Orwell and James Baldwin, and visual artists such as Basquiat.

The notion that art and activism do not mesh is preposterous. Some artists may choose not to use their art for activism but those that do should not be viewed as not being artists. And frankly, Jacobson’s personal views on Israel clearly factor into why he wrote this piece. Hence I don’t understand why he tries to pass himself off as an unbiased intellectual who wants to protect the integrity of the festivals.

Artists have always been activists with social and political views and they always will. Many of the writers and attendees of the festivals mentioned are uncomfortable with the idea of a company that doesn’t take climate change seriously enough and has links with a state that has been described by human rights organisations as an “apartheid state”, being the sponsor of a prestigious festival they respect.

You can disagree with their views but they are entitled to those views. Anyone who considers themselves an “artist” should understand that.

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The party, it's members and name must disappear and let this shambolic country try to rebuild itself with some character, honesty and value in the world.

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