Why do we have to hear what Sheryl Sandberg is doing? Is this of any relevance for the readership? Other than reportage, what purpose does the article about her serve? Is the New Statesman now a newspaper?

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The piece here like articles elsewhere on the choice between Biden and Trump tend to ignore what is going on in Gaza as if it doesn't matter at all when it comes to voting for either of these men. Biden without question is complicit with and the enabler of the genocide* that is being committed there, and Trump would be at least as bad and probably worse.

On this question it is like being given a choice between Himmler and Hitler and if I were a US citizen I doubt that I could vote for either. How can one vote for ''the lesser of two evils'' when both are equally bad?

* If what is happenning in Gaza is not genocide then the law needs amending.

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