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I appreciate that seriously politically correct writers will classify the thugs who are rioting in towns in the North of England as right wing when most are just thugs who hate the normality of life and want the excitement that was characteristic of the Vikings hoards who erupted out of Scandinavia in the 8th century. Then there was booty to rob, unarmed monks to slaughter, reputations to be made. Now is such a disappointment for them. The prisons are full so where can we put them. Well, a suggestion, let us create a special force of berserks, similar to the front line axemen used by the Vikings, and later copied by the Ottoman Turks in the siege of Constantinople in 1453. They would be imprisoned and during that imprisonment, trained in specialist weapons and held in reserve for occasional use by the British Army. No, it would not be necessary to castrate them but, if no use is found for them they must be bound over to keep the peace.

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