The problem with The New Statesman for people like me in Scotland is that it views this nation as irrelevant to most UK political discussion and when it is mentioned, the writers see it through a Labour prism. The control of the media by Union-supporting factions makes it easy to disparage ambitions within Scotland to run our own country rather than the people next door doing so. Starmer sees Scotland as a source of voting foot-soldiers and much-needed resources for energy, water and a berth for nuclear weapons well away from places that matter. To many it looks like a British Empire mentality. Cynical? yes I am.

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This is a very good comment. There are clear cultural and behavioural differences between the Scottish and the English which are not understood by the English facing Westminster parliament. Only a small number of politicians see Scotland as a major resource for the benefit of England but this needs to be voiced in a larger sphere to all the public and used as a further cause in the Scottish Parliament to reason for separation.

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"a British Empire mentality" - that's exactly what it is.

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I vote SNP.

disappointed all the time about NS lack of interest in or respect for Scotland. unlikely to renew my subscription'

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Thank you to Harry and Will for starting this newsletter. I've enjoyed it. I tend to the right politically and I wanted to read something that put things into a broader perspective. It's been useful.

Good luck out west

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Very much appreciate the high standard of writing that you've included in the Saturday Read. I spend some time thinking through points of view that I don't agree with but better understand thanks to your work here. I'm much, much further to the left than New Statesman and it's ilk but I'm a big fan of this compilation.

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Good luck in your new job - the Saturday Read has been a welcome addition to my inbox, despite generally receiving the magazine the previous day, and Morning Call every weekday morning. I have been reading NS and before that the other NS (New Society) for more than half my life. There's always something in it that makes subscribing feel like a worthwhile decision.

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No room for Plaid Cymru, SNP or any Northern Ireland party in your poll. How very English Labour.

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So pleased with the WE synopsis, thank you.

The NS readership support is testament to pure quality journalism and political relevance so much needed today.

I have read and supported the Statesman for most of my adult life, (now 79) and it has never felt more needed in this turbulent and polarised environment.

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Please don't use the word Starmtrooper. It's offensive.

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It is inevitable that Labour will do the easy things and fail to do the hard things. Blair’s majority in 1997 and 2001 did not get us proportional representation, did not in any way disturb the ability of the financial sector from bleeding the rest of us white, did not reform the Council Tax anomaly where property values above £350,000 were ignored. They wasted 700 hours on fox hunting. I hope Starmer is more sensible. I also hope that whoever takes the Gordon Brown role of endlessly sniping at the leader will take note that GB in the end proved useless at the task he spent his career seeking.

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Are those people who will vote SNP or Plaid or DUP etc irrelevant to the New Statesman? Classic example of how to offend existing and potential new customers. Even an 'Other' option would have been slightly less insulting. Not surprised, but still disappointed.

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You can only fill out 5 options

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I'm voting lib dem not Conservative pressed on the poll in email which was not properly displayed and somehow it decided I had pressed Conservative

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Tories run out of steam. Time for change. Not convinced Labour will be able to bring that change. Change only happens if MPs are focused on the Country as opposed to themselves.

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