Possibly a cohort of the old near east countries that resulted in the making of the current Saudi tribe!

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Internationally, even China is better than Saudi Arabia. Their influence is because of oil. To save the planet, we must stop oil. If we don’t, goodbye to all existence. Saudi could become powerful but there would be no planet left to rule over.

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I think that American and Chinese dominance will wax and wane over this century as their conflict will ultimately destroy them politically and economically. The leadership of the future world is likely to come from the non-aligned countries who will form alliances with or without superpowers. My hope is that they will survive and thrive based on their own common interests balanced with their own self interest.

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It is a problem that has been known about sine the time of Napoleon. China invented writing and gunpowder when the West were still living in mud huts. They assembled fleets of ships when our Merchant Adventurers were assembling convoys to reduce the risks of pirates. It seems natural that they have their period of dominance. The problem, which we and they know, is the risk that in demonstrating their dominance, they will start a war which will bring us all down. In 1914 the UK owned 6% of the value of the American Stock Exchange. By 1945 that had been wasted fighting two wars. Let us all hope the same does not happen again.

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Mega-corporate behemoths' money and resources now rule the world. Such as BP whose logo now appears in every NS newsletter.

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